There is a python assignment for me. I need a python program for Addition of two numbers which Reads user input.
I mean we should take the two numbers from the user input and then the addition should come as the output.
How to do python programming for Addition of two numbers in Python using user input.
Below is the sample python program for addition of two numbers, using user input. First we need to take user inputs in two variables for example say a and b.
Python is the general purpose, High level, interpreted language with easy syntax and dynamic semantics. Python is the fastest growing language in terms of developers, libraries, application that can be useful. It could be machine learning, artificial intelligence and web development.
Here are some steps for addition of two numbers in python using user input
1. Click on file, click on new file
a= int (input ( “enter number” ) )
b= int (input ( “enter number” ) )
c= a+b
Print ( ” sum “. c )
2. Save the file , then click on Run