what are pros and cons of covid vaccine? can i take covid vaccine, is that safe to take covid vaccine know? any side effects for vaccine ?
can i take covid vaccine ? if so which vaccing should i take? can pregnant women can take covid vaccine? any suggestions?
To talk about the advantages of getting vaccinated, here are few:
However we cant completely tell that a person who is vaccinated will not be affected by COVID-19.
There are few side effects like the fever ,body pains, muscle and joint aches, swelling, headache etc but let me tell you that these side effects are a sign that your body is starting to develop immunity against the disease.
Among the three vaccines available in USA I would recommend Pfizer since it is 95% effective.
When coming to India both covishield and covaccine are equally effective.You can go with any one.
So I suggest you to take vaccine.
For a pregnant women there is still not enough data yet on the safety of covid-19 vaccines. But getting infected with covid during pregnancy is a matter of risk. According to the clinical trials no pregnant women were enrolled but 23 volunteers became pregnant during the course and there have been no adverse effects.So it is left to the choice of individual.
You can also check how to check covid results onlineĀ https://techanswered.com/question/how-to-check-covid-report-online/