I did 300 hours responsive web design and applied for jobs. I was hired by company who is just starting so it is all in its infancy.
My boss came to me and said that he wants me to develop a responsive website with an interactive training per fee platform, he gave me a target time of 6 months.
He wants me to undergo training for it in whatever category I need to be able to handle the case, yet I am at a loss what i need to be able to pull this website off.
Personally I think it takes longer building it all from scratch.
Which training courses should I sign up as I only have basic html, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript at this point to be able to build the mentioned website?
Forgot to mention I am 53 F and just started to enter the world of coding, also if I succeed I will be taking on permanently.
All answers are highly appreciated.
Mingle tap
Pretty happy that you are hired for a new position. As you mention the requirements for the website is to have the online training website which offer courses and accept payments.
So this website is totally dynamic website where which contains user registrations payment gateway and validation checking. The best courses to learn for this particular requirement of website is you can go for Java or php as core back ground.
If you are a beginner and not having much coding language, better you opt PHP. JavaScript is fine with validations. You need to learn about the paypal SDK integration to the project. So all the storage will be stored in a cloud computing so you need to work with Amazon Web services or Google cloud computing.
I don’t know whether you heard about this are not the emerging technology in programming languages python. You can start learning MERN. IF YOU LEARN A COURSE IN THIS MERN EVERYTHING WILL BE COVERED AND A COMPLETE WEBSITE A DYNAMIC WEBSITE CAN BE DONE.
Final note : So you can start learning with PHP and JavaScript then have a ID on Amazon Web services.
Thank you so very much for your advice which makes it clearer to me now what I have to do. 😊
Mingle tap
All the best….