will my alarm go off on silent mode. Usually I set my alarm at 4 am daily, as I usually wakes up at that time. Since 2 days I was keeping my phone in silent mode, my question is will my alarm go off on silent mode?
Mine is a iphone,so will my alarm go off on silent mode?
kiran kumar85
No alarm one go off when your mobile is in silent mode. This is because phone alarm will get highest priority irrespective of the silent mode or on ring mode.
I personally checked this, by keeping my alarm to a certain time. And I kept my mobile in silent mode and my alarm ring even the silent mode.
So final answer for, will my alarm goes off on silent mode is no.
Yes alarm will ring irrespective of silent mode on your mobile. This is not because your alarm have highest priority, but there is a separate option like alarm sound on your mobile.
When your mobile is in silent mode the ringer volume will be zero. But still theories volume set cord alarm sound which is different.
You can observe the below image and you will get to know that why your alarm rings even on silent mode.