Google Chrome can work if you gonna follow this steps. If you want to keep trending search on your home page how to keep trending search on your google home page To fix your google chrome, you need to follow one of these two methods- Method I- First, right click on your chrome shortcut and then go tRead more
The following are the working ways to increase Snapchat score. Actually my Snapchat score has drastically increased after applying this score increasing tips. Only by doing this simple procedure, you can increase your snapchat score rapidly. Snapchat is a platform where you can share your daily snapRead more
To redeem free fire codes for getting the exciting gifts in free fire you have to ° First open any browser , and search free fire code redeem and go to the first website as as ° Then tap to login, whichever account you have login in free fire like I have used Facebook account! TRead more
You can compare mobiles from the following websites but you should keep in mind that ROM ( read only memory) is what most people refer to as storage, it is the internal storage also this is the memory which used to store the applications, photos, videos and all the songs that you want to store on yoRead more
To fix sound or audio problems on windows 10 you should make sure that the volume bar is not mute. °Right click in the sound icon and click on the trouble shoot problem- Then, it will give you description and solution of the sound problem but it doesn't fix the sound problem permanently. If troubleRead more
For downloading facebook videos on Android devices without any application or software directly into gallery you should First login into you facebook account and go to that video which you want to download, click in the three dots in right top corner and click on copy link Then go to any browser likRead more
Some best steps to become software engineer are - Firstly, you should apply for a computer bachelor degree after passing 12th which is known as BCA {Bachelor of Computer Application}. Second, Learn Programming Language such as HTML, PYTHON,C++, JAVA. You should learn all this programming language tRead more
To get your snapchat streaks back you should visit the website http// via chrome or any other browser. It will show as- They select the following I lost my snapstreaks in the following site. And then scroll down and fillup the various details in the following- And after filling tRead more
We can reset Facebook password on Android mobile simply by following this steps- ° First you have to log out whatever account is login. Then there will be an option for forget password as marked in the picture! °Then there will be an option to put your email address or mobile number by which you havRead more
To increase Instagram followers you need to follow the following steps. °First you have to make sure that your account is not private, and this trick can be use only once. ° Open a safe browser like chrome and visit and it will show as- °Then you have to click "sign in fRead more
google chrome not opening windows 10 how to fix
Diya Mitra
Google Chrome can work if you gonna follow this steps. If you want to keep trending search on your home page how to keep trending search on your google home page To fix your google chrome, you need to follow one of these two methods- Method I- First, right click on your chrome shortcut and then go tRead more
How to increase Snapchat score? How to get higher Snapchat score?
Diya Mitra
The following are the working ways to increase Snapchat score. Actually my Snapchat score has drastically increased after applying this score increasing tips. Only by doing this simple procedure, you can increase your snapchat score rapidly. Snapchat is a platform where you can share your daily snapRead more
How to redeem free fire codes ? Top up free fire with redeem codes
Diya Mitra
To redeem free fire codes for getting the exciting gifts in free fire you have to ° First open any browser , and search free fire code redeem and go to the first website as as ° Then tap to login, whichever account you have login in free fire like I have used Facebook account! TRead more
Which are the best sites for mobile comparisons
Diya Mitra
You can compare mobiles from the following websites but you should keep in mind that ROM ( read only memory) is what most people refer to as storage, it is the internal storage also this is the memory which used to store the applications, photos, videos and all the songs that you want to store on yoRead more
How to fix sound or audio problems in windows 10
Diya Mitra
To fix sound or audio problems on windows 10 you should make sure that the volume bar is not mute. °Right click in the sound icon and click on the trouble shoot problem- Then, it will give you description and solution of the sound problem but it doesn't fix the sound problem permanently. If troubleRead more
How to download facebook videos on Android devices without any application or software director into gallery?
Diya Mitra
For downloading facebook videos on Android devices without any application or software directly into gallery you should First login into you facebook account and go to that video which you want to download, click in the three dots in right top corner and click on copy link Then go to any browser likRead more
steps to become a software engineer best 7 steps
Diya Mitra
Some best steps to become software engineer are - Firstly, you should apply for a computer bachelor degree after passing 12th which is known as BCA {Bachelor of Computer Application}. Second, Learn Programming Language such as HTML, PYTHON,C++, JAVA. You should learn all this programming language tRead more
How to get snapchat streaks back?
Diya Mitra
To get your snapchat streaks back you should visit the website http// via chrome or any other browser. It will show as- They select the following I lost my snapstreaks in the following site. And then scroll down and fillup the various details in the following- And after filling tRead more
How to reset Facebook password?
Diya Mitra
We can reset Facebook password on Android mobile simply by following this steps- ° First you have to log out whatever account is login. Then there will be an option for forget password as marked in the picture! °Then there will be an option to put your email address or mobile number by which you havRead more
How to increase INSTAGRAM followers (2021) | 1min 400followers on INSTAGRAM
Diya Mitra
To increase Instagram followers you need to follow the following steps. °First you have to make sure that your account is not private, and this trick can be use only once. ° Open a safe browser like chrome and visit and it will show as- °Then you have to click "sign in fRead more