i have few downloaded youtube videos,which are offline youtube videos,and i guess there are in .exo file format,how can i access them on my phone internal storage(i mean to find files path) and how to convert those youtube offline videos to mp4 ?
Video files like downloaded youtube videos in the .EXO file format cannot be converted to MP4 ,AVI,MKV or format any other video format with a video converter because the files are encrypted and relevant only within the context of the program or service that created it.
So, now what can you do for downloading offline videos from youtube and storing it in your mobile phones while you are traveling or when you don’t have an internet connection and you want to play an MP4 video, then it is necessary to have the video downloaded in MP4 format. VLC media player can help you download videos this way in the following ways:
So,I guess this will solve your problem and you would be able enjoy your videos.
first of all to convert the youtube offline videos to MP4 format, we should find those videos on our mobile. See where are downloaded youtube videos stored in your mobile device. There are very less chances of converting youtube offline videos to MP4. Because the format is .exo, they are hard to convert to mp4. Still you may give a try, how to convert .exo files to mp4.