I really like lot of videos on YouTube and now I want to clear all the liked videos at once right from my Android mobile. Is that possible to delete all liked videos on youtube at once on android?
Or should I login to my desktop computer on YouTube to delete all the liked videos, and how can I delete all the liked videos in a single click?
Krishna Vijayan
With a single click we can remove all liked videos on youtube at once. If you think your YouTube recommendations are kinda worse, unliking videos and unsubscribing from channels can give you a fresh start to brand new content recommendations. But there could be a lot of videos to unlike and unsubscribe from and it might take a lot of time. In order to make it easy, There is a trick that might help you. You can try this either on your PC or your smartphone.
Hope this answer helped. Also read, Youtube channel name ideas
kiran kumar85
Well this process really work for me I deleted all the liked videos on my YouTube account with a single click. To be honest, I searched many tutorials to delete all liked videos and all of them are showing to delete one by one, but this helped me to delete all within a single click
This really helped me to delete all liked videos on youtube. Actually I want to unlike all the liked videos on YouTube. But I was never knew that we can possibly delete all like in YouTube videos and that too at once. Thanks for the information what you have provided about it really worked for me.