since a week my Vodafone signal on my phone is really weak and I even couldn’t make calls. How to solve vodafone network problem?
Could anyone drop some troubleshooting steps to fix Vodafone network issue?
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If you are facing problem with Vodafone network issue or any mobile service for that matter. The first trouble shooting step you can do to fix this Vodafone network issue problem is,
Fix Vodafone network issue:
1) If you are in a closed area, your phone outside and check whether you are receiving Vodafone signal. If this is the case then it clearly indicates that the area which you are facing problem doesn’t have sound Vodafone signal.
2) sometimes it would be problem from your mobile phones, turn on airplane mode and turn it off back.
3) go to your phone settings then click on sim settings and then click on sim settings, real find carrier settings, just click on disable and re enable it. This refreshes the Vodafone signal and there is any error it will get resolved.
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